Sunday, June 6, 2010

Click Here: CEP 800 Podcast Project MCKEE

Suzanne McKee's Podcast Project is complete! This was an interesting and challenging project. I struggled with Audacity, downloading it, using it and exporting it. In the end, I accomplished all that I was trying to do and more. I have been curious about using podcasts in some of my courses but have been hesitant to give it a try. This project has immersed me in Audacity and given me a wonderful introduction into creating podcasts.

Technology Steps:
Download Audacity (make sure it’s the right version for the operating system used)
Work in Audacity in WAV format
Download converter to be able to use WMA audio and convert to WAV
Save as WAV in Audacity
Download LAME
Export from Audacity to MP3 using LAME
Create a webpage account at
Load the MP3 file to
Link the webpage at to the blog
Post the blog to the class in Angel